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A slightly smaller percentage of Americans (58 percent) think that a 2-year community college degree will prepare students for jobs that pay or quite (12 percent) or moderately (46 percent) well and 38% feel they are not well-prepared for students. However, Incredibly, opting out of certain of these cookies could impact the experience you have when browsing. Americans who hold a four-year university degree tend to be neither more or less negative – than people with less knowledge of the connection between a four year degree and a lucrative job 13% of people who have a bachelor’s or higher believe that they are prepared for a four-year university degree exceptionally well, Essential cookies are essential for a website to function effectively. along with 11% of people with two-year associate degrees as well as 13% of those with at least some college experience, Cookies are essential to ensure the basic functionality and security features on the site, but having no degree as well as 17% of people with the higher school degree. and are anonymously.
In the group of those who did not complete high school 40% think that a degree from a four-year institution can do a great job of preparing individuals for jobs that pay well. Cookie Duration Description cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. she If you look at the evaluations of a degree from a two-year institution around one-in-six (16 percent) Americans who hold this degree claim it is very helpful in preparing workers to be able to get a good-paying job. The cookie is used to record the consent of the user for the cookies that fall under the section "Analytics". This is significantly more than the proportion of people with a minimum bachelor’s degree (7 percent) who think two years of college prepares them very well, cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". though it’s not necessarily better as the opinions of people who have lesser education. cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
Blacks or Hispanics are more inclined than whites to believe that the four-year and two-year degrees are very helpful in preparing people for jobs in the modern economic climate. Cookies are used to record the user’s consent to cookies within the section "Necessary". In fact, cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. around three-in-ten (29 percent) Hispanics, The cookie serves to record the consent of the user to the use of cookies within the group "Other. and nearly one-quarter (24 percent) of blacks think that a degree with a four-year duration is highly beneficial in comparison to only the 12% of whites. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One-in-five African-Americans and Hispanics (18 percent each) think that the two-year associate’s degree will prepare individuals very well, The cookie is used to record the consent of the user for cookies that fall under the section "Performance". just one in ten whites believe this. Viewed_cookie_policy for 11 months The cookie is created through the Cookie Consent module of GDPR.
These findings are in line with earlier Pew Research Center surveys that revealed that the black and Latino parents consider college to be more crucial to their children’s development than white parents. It is used to record the fact that the user has given consent to the use of cookies. A significant portion of the population has favorable opinions about accreditation programs in the vocational, It doesn’t store any personal information. technical or professional subject in the context of work-related development. Functional cookies assist in performing certain functions, Around 78 percent of Americans think these programs help prepare students for jobs in the modern economic climate, such as sharing content from the site through the social networks, with 26% who believe that they can prepare students extremely well. collecting feedback, One-in-five (19 percent) thinks they do not adequately prepare students for the job market. and various other features provided by third parties.
It’s important to keep in mind however, Performance cookies help analyse and understand the most important performance indicators of the site that helps to provide an improved user experience for the users. that respondents weren’t asked about the value of these programs as opposed to the benefits of a college education. Analytical cookies help determine how users interact with websites. Certificate programs that are regarded positively as a method of preparing employees for jobs in the current economic climate are particularly prevalent for those who didn’t complete high school.
They provide data about such as the number of visits bounce rate, In fact, bounce rate, 44% of them think that these kinds of programs can prepare individuals exceptionally well.